HKUL > Digital Initiatives > HK Government Reports Online

Table of Contents

1. Hongkong Blue Book
2. Contents
3. Schedule of Taxes, Duties, Fees, and All Other Sources of Revenue, Specified Under the Respective Laws Or Authorities Under Which They Are Levied
4. Abstract of the Revenue and Expenditure of Hongkong for the Year 1934
5. Comparative Yearly Statement of the Revenue
6. Comparative Yearly Statement of the Expenditure
7. Statement of Assets and Liabilities On the 31st December, 1934
8. Public Debt
9. Recapitulation of Expenditure With Personal Emoluments Distinguished From Other Charges
10. Return of Municipalities, Local Boards and Other Public Bodies in the Colony
11. Public Works, 1934
12. Legislation.-Schedule of All the Laws, Orders in Council, Proclamations, & C., Which Have Been Promulgated in the Colony During the Year 1934
13. Political Franchise
14. Executive Council
15. Legislative Council
16. Civil Establishments of Hongkong, for the Year 1934
17. Civil Establishments
18. Return of Officers Who Have Given Security for the Due Discharge of Their Duties, Prepared At the Annual Inspection of Securities Held in December, 1934
19. Pensions
20. Return of Consuls of Foreign Countries Residing in Hongkong
21. Population and Vital Statistics, 1934
22. Miscellaneous Numerical Returns, 1934
23. Ecclesiastical Returns
24. Education, 1934
25. Currency, Banking, Weights, and Measures
26. Imports and Exports
27. Shipping, 1934
28. Agriculture, 1934.-Cultivated and Uncultivated Lands, Produce, Stock, Land Leased, & C
29. Return of Factories and Workshops
30. Fisheries
31. Quarries
32. Average Rates of Wages for Labour
33. Gaols and Prisoners
34. Criminal Statistics, 1934
35. Hospitals Return
36. Mental Hospital Return
37. Charitable and Literary Institutions
38. Meteorological Observations 1934
39. Savings Banks and Friendly Societies, 1934
40. Government Houses, 1934
41. Railways, Canals, Roads, Telegraphs, and Telephones
42. Post and Telegraph Statistics, 1934
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