Cambridge Books Online offers access to eBooks from our world-renowned publishing programme, covering subjects from all disciplines across science, technology and medicine, as well as humanities and social sciences.
Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; Circle of Friends
The site includes databases available from EBSCOhost, such as Academic Search premier, ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, Business Source Complete, CIHAHL Plus, Communication & Mass Media Complete, MAS Ultra-School Edition, Primary search, ERIC, Serials directory, Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia and EBSCO Animals.
Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers
Provides fulltext online access to electronic archive of scholarly journal literature, with an emphasis on the retrospective conversion of selected journals in history, economics, political science, demography, mathematics and other fields of the humanities and social sciences. The site also provides access to selected ebooks.
Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers
Offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on specific topics in a growing range of subject areas. There are at least 50 specific topical bibliographies in each subject area. Each of these features an introduction to the topic. Bibliographies are browseable by subject area and keyword searchable. Contains a "My OBO" function that allows users to create personalized bibliographies of individual citations from different bibliographies.
Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students
A database of ebooks and reference books published by SAGE covering the social sciences and education, including such areas as African American Studies, Aged & Gerontology, Anthropology, Communication and Media Studies, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Economics, Education, Gender & Sexuality Studies, History, Politics, Psychology, Social Issues, Social Work & Social Policy, and Sociology.
Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students
A web database for research that contains abstracts, tables of contents, and full text of articles in the physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences, and social sciences and humanities.
Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers
Contains an alphabetical list of Springer electronic journals subscribed by the University of Hong Kong. Abstracts and full-text of the journal articles are available. Subjects include: life sciences, chemical sciences, environmental sciences, geosciences, computer science, mathematics, medicine, physics & astronomy, engineering and economics.
Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers; Circle of Friends
Covers over 12,000 journals from 256 categories from 1900 and has direct links to full text and library holdings information. It also includes over 148,000 proceedings from the most significant conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops and conventions worldwide.
Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers
A database of full-text newspaper clippings with search capabilities. Hong Kong newspapers cover 1998 onwards. China, Taiwan and Macau's newspapers cover from 2000.
Authorized remote access: Current HKU staff and students; HKU SPACE borrowers
(Expires on 2025-04-11) The Arab-Islamic Biographical Archive is a reference work that provides biographical information on prominent individuals in the Arab and Islamic world. It covers a wide range of historical figures from various fields such as politics, religion, literature, and more. The archive is a valuable resource for researchers and scholars interested in the history and culture of the Arab and Islamic civilizations.
A 90-days Trial Access to the entire collection of journals (including back-files from the year 2000 till date), books and disease-wise content databases.
(expires on 2025-04-18) Colonial Caribbean covers the history of the various territories under British colonial governance from 1624 to 1870.This extensive resource includes administrative documentation, trade and shipping records, minutes of council meetings, as well as details of plantation life, colonial settlement, imperial rivalries across the region, and the growing concern about absentee landlords. The database is available in three modules: Module 1: Settlement, Slavery and Empire, 1624-1832, Module 2: Colonial Government and Abolition, 1833-1849, Module 3: Economic Change and Indentured Labour, 1850-1870.
(expires on 2025-06-30) The fourth edition of Farnsworth on Contracts is a comprehensive resource in the field of contract research, litigation, and arbitration, covering a wide range of topics such as good faith and fair dealing, international sales contracts, constitutional issues, and employee handbooks. This guide demonstrates how modern contract law has been influenced by the Restatement (Second) of Contracts and the Uniform Commercial Code with user-oriented features like new cases, drafting tips, and cross-referenced information.
Authors Tony Lee, Michael Bryan and John Glover have a well earned reputation as foremost authorities in this area, as is evidenced by the number of times their work has been cited in cases. Their robust treatment of the subject of trusts makes it the essential guide to all major topics in the area of trusts law. Guest author Ian Fullerton, a specialist in taxation law, writes on trusts and the taxation of trust income.
The Law of Trusts: Ford & Lee offers a general and comparative view of trusts legislation in all Australian jurisdictions and assists in interpreting the meaning of comparative Acts in the local jurisdiction. Detailed attention is paid to the underlying general principles and the impact of recent developments in trust law. Relevant legislation is reproduced by jurisdiction and features cross-references to commentary paragraphs where the provisions are discussed in context.
A useful table cross referencing the Trustee Act 1925 (UK) to trustee legislation in the Australian States and Territories, New Zealand, Jersey, the Cayman Islands and the American Uniform Trust Code is included.
This searchable collection of Israel’s Messenger (Youtai Yuebao) from 1904-1941 is a key resource for Asian Studies, focusing on the Jewish community in Shanghai. The newspaper highlights the unique position of Shanghai's Jewish population and their connections to influential figures like the Sassoon and Ezra families. Despite this, in 1933, Israel’s Messenger supported Japan as a leader in Asia. Prominent individuals in Shanghai Jewry, including George Sokolsky and N.E.B. Ezra, worked towards the safety and recognition of the Jewish community and the Zionist cause globally.
(expires on 2025-03-31) The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (MPECCoL) provides a high level of analytical coverage of constitutional law topics in a comparative context. MPECCoL articles address a focused range of topics that provide the best coverage of the essence, character, development, and history of constitutional law from a global perspective.
O’Reilly for Higher Education aims to prepare users for future careers and encourage lifelong learning with access to over 42,000 ebooks and 30,000 hours of videos/tutorials in a wide range of topics in business and technology. It also covers case studies from companies such as Uber, Netflix and Microsoft to prepare students for real-life scenarios once employed.
PS: This trial is opened to users whose institution email address is "" & "" ONLY. The steps to create a new account are: - Click on "Institution not listed." - Enter an email address with the institution domain - Click "Let's Go."
An archive of Newsweek magazine, one of the premier US weeklies of the 20th -21st centuries. With coverage from 1933 through 2012, it comprises 80 years of news reporting and commentary, charting the key US and global events during this period. Its diverse content beyond news and politics (in areas including business, science/technology, arts, travel, and family life) is such that there is valuable material for researchers in many fields, from history and political science through to economics, women's studies, and media history.